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Provide a secure and convenient remote access for your modern digital workspace.

Provide a secure and convenient remote access for your modern digital workspace.


Employees working remotely need secure, convenient access and a consistent experience across different devices.

To achieve this, many organizations implement a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure that helps them improve productivity, lower equipment acquisition costs, and minimize the impact of hardware downtime.

Our technical team can help you implement a VDI that will improve your team’s productivity by centralizing the management of the Virtual Desktops, lowering administrative and support costs.

We work with our partners to ensure the smooth deployment of the solution and provide you with the best practices to guarantee the optimal use of the chosen technology.

Discover our VDI partners

Discover our VDI partners


VDI & DaaS solutions based on VMware Horizon give you the ability to leverage your existing on-premises and cloud investments to securely and cost-effectively deliver remote desktops and application


Enable a highly secure, remote desktop experience from virtually anywhere on any device. Provide the familiarity and compatibility of Windows 11 with the new scalable multi-session experience for your end users and save costs by using existing eligible Windows licenses.

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